Tuesday, August 7, 2007

a tad fennec-y

These little treasures are the smallest of the canidae family weighing in at most 3.3 pounds (remember, people, smallest almost always equals cutest). They can be found in the Sahara as well as in Arabia. Wikipedia gives them the understated description of having "distinctive oversized ears." They actually have the largest ears of the canidae family- which uses the cute principle of large ear-to-body ratio to its full potential. They are nocturnal and hunt rodents, insects, birds, bird eggs, and lizards such as sandfish. This tendency to eat other cute things is the only problem I can find with these creatures, but I can get over it.

Info from wikipedia (a really fascinating read, especially the part about chihuahuas)
This is apparently the site from which the photographs originated, but unfortunately the language barrier makes it difficult to navigate...


Christine said...

Yes, they are cute. But you can also see why they have been called "sly." Look at those faces. They know more than they let on. Like my little raccoon daydream, I have a scenario for these guys, too. I picture them working as a team in my kitchen, quick and precise, they are chopping, stirring and tasting. And wearing little chef's hats.

Anonymous said...

They are amazing and gorgeous! Did anyone see that depressing movie, Grizzly Man? Its one redeeming feature was the awesome fox footage. For some reason, a fox befriends the doomed misguided guy. The shots of the fox's face are priceless.

Anonymous said...

Christine-that just sounds kinky!! and button - thanks for reminding me of that horribly horrific movie.

Linda said...

I really like these guys because they remind me of Chihuahuas with the big ears.

Anonymous said...

They look like ferrets. They are very cute. I would like to have one live in my room.

Sophia Varcados said...

I want to hold one up and go "woodgie woodgie woodgie" with it's little nose. so cute.

Anonymous said...

I can just see it now - the next fad in small designer "purse" dogs. Just don't let Paris Hilton see one....

Anonymous said...

why is that asian women holding this animal? ugh. i hope she did not use him for its fur or worst .. EAT HIM!