Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Primate + Feline = Lemur

Mostly grey with white underparts, the Ring-tailed Lemur has a slender frame; their narrow face is white with black lozenge-shaped patches around the eyes, and a black vulpine muzzle. The lemur's trademark, the long, bushy tail, is ringed in black and white. Like all lemurs, the Ring-tailed Lemur has hind limbs longer than their forelimbs; the palms and soles are padded with soft, leathery skin. Their fingers are slender and dextrous with flat, sharp nails. The Ring-tailed Lemur has claws on the second toe of the hind limb specialized for grooming purposes.


Christine said...

Mama animals with their babies. . .does it get any cuter than that? And I learned a new word today, vulpine=foxlike. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

how interesting they are a primate because some primates are not very attractive.

Anonymous said...

But do they move it move it for real?

Unknown said...

"to serve lemurs"

Anonymous said...

Thank you for not posting Zoboomafoo. Real lemurs...there is no substitute. I do hear they really like to "MOVE IT".