Thursday, February 7, 2008

The year was 1983...

Fraggles are tiny humanoid creatures, about 22 inches tall, that come in a wide variety of colors and have tails that bear a tuft of fur on the end. They live in a system of caves called Fraggle Rock that are filled with all manner of creatures and features, and which seem to connect to at least two different worlds that exist in different dimensions of time and space. Fraggles live a very carefree life, spending most of their time playing, exploring, and generally enjoying themselves. They live on a diet of radishes and "doozer sticks" (see below). Fraggles have the ability to "share dreams"; if they touch their heads together before falling asleep, one can enter the dream of the other Fraggle. More than one Fraggle at a time can enter a single Fraggle's dream, provided all the participants' heads are touching.


Unknown said...

Wow I didn't know about the dream thing! Fraggles are cooler than I thought. They are my favorite of the muppets!

Unknown said...

Dance your cares away *la la* worries for another day!

Sophia Varcados said...

Fraggles are pretty cool - the years before cgi