Deep in the catacombs of the DeKalb Borders® there lies a treasure chest of cute in the form of tiny illustrated animals on notebook paper. Explorer Olivia discovered this precious cute recently- thank you Olivia!
Well, we're a couple of holidays late on this picture, but this little pumpkin kitteh is too irresistible. She belongs to friends of ours in Lindenhurst where she lives on a farm with lots and lots of other kittehs! Talk about a land of cute!
Land of Cute loves Nintendo DS, and would love to try this new game out. It comes in a kitten/puppy version as well...But isn't this rabbit soooo cuuuttteee?????
Twinkie the kid...he advertises twinkies, and he's a real tough.. He can draw a twinkie faster than you can say, "Whoa!" and'll find yerself with an eye full of nasty petroleum-based comfort food
This is a very simple story of Olive the dog who after hearing the words of a song All of the other reindeer thought she heard Olive the other reindeer.
"Olive the Reindeer," said Olive. "I thought I was a dog. Hmmm, I must be a Reindeer!"
She stopped wrapping Christmas gifts and headed to the North Pole to help Santa. Olive arrived just in time and took her place in the line-up, with Comet using an extra piece of ribbon to tie her in safe and tight.
With the reindeer watching their strange new addition they crashed into a tall tree and while Olive was able to chew them loose, a small tear happened in Santa's bag.
They lost some gumdrops and some flutes too, but Olive was able to help retrieve them as Santa patched the sack and they off once again to deliver to all the good children.
Once the delivering was done, they started to head for home when a fog made it difficult to navigate. Santa remembered that dogs were super smellers and Olive would be able to smell Mrs. Claus's cookies baking. He asked Olive to guide his sleigh that morning.
Olive earned her antlers that day and went outside with the other reindeer to play reindeer games.